Basic Information
Hobby Master社製ダイキャストモデル(完成品)です。商品の概略は以下のとおり。
This is a ready-made diecast model by Hobby Master Limited. The specifications of this product is as follows.
Product Maker | Hobby Master Limited. |
Product Series | 1:72 Air Power Series |
Product Name | Item No: HA1614 Mirage 2000-5F 2-EB, E.C. 1/2, Clgognes, Dijon, France, 2010 |
Model Scale | 1:72 |
Dimensions | Length:20cm / Width:12.6cm |
Release Date | May. 17, 2019 in Japan |
Price | 11,800 yen in Japan (Tax excluded) |
Notes |
*Ready-made display model (painted and assembled) *Die-cast body with some plastic parts *All markings by tampo printing *Landing gears can be removed for flying position (gear covers included) *Display stand included *Pilot figure included *Canopy can be displayed with opened or closed |
Shape, Painting and Markings
本モデルにはパーツ間に若干の隙間がありますが、良好なアウトラインと精密さを備えています。 本モデル上面はライトグレイとインターミディエイトブルー、下面はライトグレイの塗装が施されています。 レドームはミディアムグレイで塗装されています。 モデル表面のマーキング類は、すべて精緻なタンポ印刷にて再現されています。
There are some gaps between the parts, but this has good outline and nice details. This model’s upper surface is painted by Light Gray and Intermediate Blue. The underside is painted in Light Gray. Radome is painted by Medium Grey. All markings are printed in great detail on the surface.

Special Mention
Weapons for Air to Air / Air to Surface Configuration
The accessories for “Air to Air / Air to Surface Configuration” are included in this product.
① | RPL-522 1,300 Liters drop tank with pylon |
② | Matra Durandal with pylon Anti-Runway Bomb |
③ | Matra Super 530D with pylon Semi-active radar homing medium-range air-to-air missile |
④ | Matra R550 Magic 2 with pylon Infrared homing short-range air-to-air missile |
Using Display Stand of herpa
You can use the herpa’s display stand for 1/72 scale F-104’s. However, you must adjust the part of stand inserted into the engine nozzle.
*This stand is not included in this product.
My Impression
Good and Bad Points
Good Points |
*Good outline *Accurate panel lines *Beautiful painting *Detailed markings by tampo printing |
Bad Points |
*Some gaps between the parts (around the nose and air-intakes) *The original figure shape is bad *There are insertion pins fixed the windshield to body, they stand out |
Around The Cockpit
キャノピーはパーツ交換で開閉可能です。 オリジナル・フィギュアの造形が良くないので、X-Plus製に変えてあります。 ウィンドシールド(風防)をボディに固定するための挿入ピンが目立ちます。
You can open or close the canopy by changeable parts. The original figure shape is bad, so I replaced to the X-Plus’. There are insertion pins fixed the windshield to body, they stand out.
ミラージュは長い間生産休止商品で、再販まで何年間も待たされました。 それがついにラインナップに戻ってきたのです。 本モデルにはフィギュア、キャノピー挿入ピン、パーツ間の隙間等いくつか不満な箇所はありますが、全体的には高品質な商品となっています。 再販してくれたホビーマスターには感謝の気持ちでいっぱいです。
For a long time, Mirage was discontinued. I waited for many years. Finally, it’s appeared. I’m dissatisfied with figure, insertion pin for canopy fixed and gap between the parts, but I think it has an excellentquality overall. I’m very grateful to the Hobby Master for release this model.
about real plane
General Background
ダッソーミラージュ2000は、ミラージュIIIおよびF1の後継機として開発されました。 後継機とはいうものの、主翼はミラージュIIIのデルタ翼設計の多くを流用したものとなりました。 F1はベルギー、オランダ、デンマーク、ノルウェー空軍の主力戦闘機としてF-16と採用を競い敗れましたが、新鋭ミラージュ2000は前述の国以外の10か国の空軍にとって実戦配備可能な選択肢となりました。 1984年、フランス空軍50周年に運用を開始したC型はミラージュ2000最初のバージョンとなりました。
The Dassault Mirage 2000 was developed as a replacement for the Mirage III and F1. Although it was a replacement it borrowed heavily from the Mirage III delta wing design. The F1 had lost out to the F-16 as the main fighter for the Belgium, Netherlands, Denmark and Norway Air Forces but the new Mirage 2000 had become a viable option for about 10 other Air Forces. The Mirage 2000C interceptor was the first version to enter operational service in 1984 on the 50th Anniversary of the French Air Force.
* Above explanation is quoted from the box flap.
Mirage 2000-5F 76 2-EB Taken on October 12, 2006 © Cocardes de France et d’ailleurs | Flickr